Version 1.22
Things to do
C Programs
General code tidy up and improved commenting and version control
Improve error messages
Change strings to pointers and get rid of arbitrary limits
Change code to use select to read connections and pipe commands
Add commands to reload individual agents
Change bcnu protocol (actually implement one - started)
Improved version numbering(getting there)
CGI support GET/PUT method support for builtin web server
Improve debugging and logging
Improve error checking and handling.
Make argument handling more consistent and standardise the api functions
Remove redundant code and develop a consistent style
Document agents more fully using pod within agents
Add hints for specific problems - viewable thru web browser
Provide database import/export script
Add multiple language support
Document scripts more fully
Rewrite admin guide
Display/CGI scripts
Tidy up buildweb.pl library routines, improve comments and version control
Allow user defined views to be setup dynamically to replace current mechanism